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Surrogacy bill criticized for exploiting vulnerable women

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/12/05 15:58
Last update time:2024/12/05 17:45
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Surrogacy bill criticized for exploiting vulnerable women (Shutterstock) Surrogacy bill criticized for exploiting vulnerable women
Surrogacy bill criticized for exploiting vulnerable women (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Activists from No Surrogacy Taiwan (台灣反代孕行動小組) gathered at the Legislative Yuan (立法院) on Thursday (Dec. 5) to protest against a surrogacy bill. The Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee (立法院衛環委員會) reviewed 16 draft amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act (人工生殖法) on Thursday.

Proposals from Kuomintang (國民黨) and Taiwan People's Party (民眾黨) legislators included provisions for surrogacy, sparking societal debate. No Surrogacy Taiwan joined forces with Taiwan Women's Link (台灣女人連線) and the Awakening Foundation (婦女新知基金會) to demand the bill's withdrawal, detachment of surrogacy from the Assisted Reproduction Act, and continued public hearings.


Savungaz, chairperson of the Taiwan Indigenous Youth Public Participation Association (台灣原住民族青年公共參與協會), warned that the bill could exploit indigenous women. She emphasized that economic pressures might force them into surrogacy, furthering historical exploitation.

Chen Kai-ning (陳愷寧), a spokesperson for No Surrogacy Taiwan, criticized surrogacy as exploitation under capitalism and patriarchy, not simply a matter of choice or helping others. Chen Shu-fang (陳書芳), secretary-general of Taiwan Women's Link, highlighted the high health risks and comprehensive demands on surrogate mothers.

She argued that surrogacy exacerbates class divides, serving as a tool for wealthy individuals to oppress economically disadvantaged women. Wang Hsiao-han (王筱涵), the Awakening Foundation's advocacy director, labeled the surrogacy bill a "human rights disaster," asserting it violates children's best interests.

This contentious debate continues to unfold, with activists urging legislators to reconsider the implications of surrogacy legislation on vulnerable populations.