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Taiwan People’s Party support drops amid political shifts

Reporter Dimitri Bruyas
Release time:2025/01/09 12:00
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Taiwan People’s Party support drops amid political shifts (TVBS News) Taiwan People’s Party support drops amid political shifts
Taiwan People’s Party support drops amid political shifts (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Nearly a year after Taiwan's presidential election, legislative battles between the pan-blue and pan-green factions persist, reflecting a divided political landscape. According to the "Global Views Monthly 2025 Public Opinion Survey" (遠見雜誌2025民心動向調查), the legislative deadlock over the national annual budget has left a majority of citizens pointing fingers at the central government, with 25% holding it accountable. The Kuomintang (國民黨) received 21.3% of the blame, while the Democratic Progressive Party (民進黨) was attributed 12.1%.

Taiwan People's Party support drops amid political shifts, survey shows (TVBS News)


Shifting Political Support
The survey also highlighted a notable decline in support for the Taiwan People's Party (台灣民眾黨), which fell from 15.6% in 2023 to 5.6%. This shift saw 5.2 percentage points move towards the pan-green camp, raising its support from 28.2% to 33.4%, and 4.1 points gravitated towards the pan-blue camp, increasing its backing from 23.2% to 27.3%. Neutral voters saw a slight increase from 32.9% to 33.6%.

The pan-blue and pan-green camps frequently clash in the legislature, particularly over the contentious 2025 budget. This ongoing impasse has left a negative impression on the public. While 21.3% of respondents blamed the Kuomintang for the deadlock, nearly double the percentage, 12.1%, held the Democratic Progressive Party accountable. A larger portion, however, felt the central government should shoulder the responsibility.

Taiwan People's Party support drops amid political shifts, survey shows (TVBS News)

Unification-Independence Sentiments
The survey also explored Taiwan's unification-independence inclinations. Support for unification with China (中國大陸) remained below 10%, at 9.5%, slightly higher than previous surveys and marking the third-highest level historically. Meanwhile, support for Taiwan's independence stood at 28.2%, while the majority, 54.5%, favored maintaining the status quo.

Taiwan, situated in a geopolitical flashpoint, is susceptible to both domestic and international dynamics. This survey sheds light on the prevailing sentiments among Taiwanese citizens, illustrating a landscape marked by political division and shifting allegiances. As the government grapples with legislative gridlock and evolving public opinions, the future of Taiwan's political and social landscape remains uncertain.

Taiwan People's Party support drops amid political shifts, survey shows (TVBS News)

For More Reading:
This article is excerpted from the January issue of Global Views Monthly; for more articles, please visit: https://www.gvm.com.tw  

Here is the link to the Chinese story on Global Views Monthly: 《遠見》2025民心動向調查:民眾黨認同度降至5.6%,人心流向何方? | https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/118106 

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