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Police agency clarifies budget plan amid accusations

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2025/01/17 11:03
Last update time:2025/01/17 11:48
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Police agency clarifies budget plan amid accusations (TVBS News) Police agency clarifies budget plan amid accusations
Police agency clarifies budget plan amid accusations (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The National Police Agency (警政署) on Thursday (Jan. 16) refuted media allegations that it allocated funds specifically to Kuma Academy (黑熊學院) for civil defense training. The agency emphasized that the medium-term plan mentioned the academy only as an example, not a designated partner, and called the accusations baseless.

Several New Taipei City councilors have filed legal complaints against Interior Minister Liu Shyh-fang (劉世芳) and the National Police Agency, accusing them of profiteering. The agency clarified that the budget has not been implemented, ensuring no evasion of legislative oversight. Officials noted that they had submitted the plan's specifics and cost-benefit analysis to the Legislative Yuan (立法院) on Oct. 9, and included explanations in the 2025 budget.


The budget aims to support local governments in organizing civil defense and volunteer police training without involving specific organizations. It covers demo team formation, equipment expansion, training enhancement, international exchanges, competitions, and an honor system. The agency urged against over-interpretation, clarifying that the plan's examples do not indicate specific partnerships.

Training efforts primarily focus on improving civil defense personnel's professional skills. The agency ensures collaboration with civil groups based on professional course needs. Regarding emergency medical training, the agency stated that police departments hire licensed professionals to teach, adhering to legal procedures without favoring any group.